All inputs used for the calculation
Value | |
Target Mag | 8.687 |
Saturation Level (electons) | 57600.0 |
Instrument | niriss |
Mode | soss |
Aperture | soss |
Disperser | gr700xd |
Subarray | substrip256 |
Readmode | nisrapid |
Filter | clear |
Primary/Secondary | rp^2/r*^2 |
All the timing info needed for your observation. Overhead calculation assumes 30 minute target acquisition time.
Value | |
Transit Duration | 6.420000 |
Seconds per Frame | 5.494000 |
Time/Integration incl reset (sec) | 16.482000 |
APT: Num Groups per Integration | 2.000000 |
Num Integrations Out of Transit | 1403.000000 |
Num Integrations In Transit | 1403.000000 |
APT: Num Integrations per Occultation | 2806.000000 |
Observing Efficiency (%) | 33.333333 |
Transit+Baseline, no overhead (hrs) | 12.846803 |
Number of Transits | 4.000000 |
Pay attention to these warnings! If you do not see 'All good' written in each box, reconsider your run.
Value | |
Group Number Too Low? | All good |
Group Number Too High? | All good |
Non linear? | All good |
Saturated? | All good |
% full well high? | All good |
Num Groups Reset? | NGROUPS<2SET TO NGROUPS=2 |
When publishing results based on PandExo, please cite:
Batalha, N.E., Mandell, A., Pontoppidan,K., et al., 2017, PASP, 129, 976