Lightcurve Fitting Tool

The lightcurve_fitting subpackage within the exoctk package fits large numbers of spectroscopic light curves simultaneously while sharing model parameters across wavelengths and visits. It includes multiple uncertainty estimation algorithms and a comprehensive library of physical and systematic model components that are fully customizable.

Users who wish to use the lightcurve_fitting tools may do so by installing the exoctk package. Please see the installation instructions for further details.

The figure below shows the notebook available in the source code. It demonstrates the primary functionality of the lightcurve_fitting tool.


Light Curve Fitting with ExoCTK

ExoCTK performs light curve fitting with the exoctk.lightcurve_fitting tool. This notebook will show you how to do it.

First, some imports and a toy light curve to work with:

In [1]:
# Imports
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as q
from exoctk.lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve import LightCurve
from exoctk.lightcurve_fitting.parameters import Parameters
from exoctk.lightcurve_fitting.models import PolynomialModel, TransitModel
from import output_notebook
Loading BokehJS ...
In [2]:
# Toy data
time = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
raw_flux = [0.95 if 35<i<60 else 1 for i in range(100)]
unc = np.random.uniform(low=1E-4, high=0.01, size=100)
flux = np.random.normal(raw_flux, scale=unc)
flux[55:60] *= np.linspace(1, 1.05, 5)
flux[36:41] *= np.linspace(1.05, 1., 5)

Create a light curve

Creating a light curve instance is simple. Just pass exoctk.lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LightCurve() a time and flux array. You can also pass it the associated uncertainty with the unc argument.

The units argument is just the units of the given time axis, in this case 'day'.

In [3]:
# Instantiate a lightcurve
lc = LightCurve(time, flux, unc, name='Data')

Create some models to fit to the light curve

Now that we have our light curve data loaded, let's create some models to fit to it.

First we'll create a simple linear model by passing some polynomial coefficients to the PolynomialModel class.

In [4]:
# Create a PolynomialModel instance with coeffs [c0, c1]. Also give it a name and format for fun.
lin_model = PolynomialModel(c1=0.0005, c0=0.997, name='linear', fmt='g--')

# Plot it
lin_model.plot(time, draw=True)

Let's also create a transit model with the ExoCTK.lightcurve_fitting.models.TransitModel class. We can pass the arguments rp, per, t0, etc. directly to the TransitModel instance, or we can create a ExoCTK.lightcurve_fitting.parameters.Parameters instance first like so:

In [5]:
# Set the intial parameters
params = Parameters()
params.rp = 0.22, 'free', 0.0, 0.4
params.per = 10.721490, 'fixed'
params.t0 = 0.48, 'free', 0, 1 = 89.7, 'free', 80., 90.
params.a = 18.2, 'free', 15., 20.
params.ecc = 0., 'fixed'
params.w = 90., 'fixed'
params.limb_dark = '4-parameter', 'independent'
params.transittype = 'primary', 'independent'
params.u1 = 0.1, 'free', 0., 1.
params.u2 = 0.1, 'free', 0., 1.
params.u3 = 0.1, 'free', 0., 1.
params.u4 = 0.1, 'free', 0., 1.

# Make the transit model
t_model = TransitModel(parameters=params, name='transit', fmt='r--')

# Plot it
t_model.plot(time, draw=True)

An arbitrary number of models can then be multiplied to produce a ExoCTK.lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel to fit to the data.

In [6]:
# Make a new model by multiplying some model components (which don't necessarily overlap)
comp_model = t_model*lin_model = 'composite'

# Plot it
comp_model.plot(time, components=True, draw=True)

Fit the model to the light curve data

To fit a model to the data, we need to supply the method with a Model instance and then specify our choice of fitting routine. Here we'll use the lmfit fitter with our composite model create above.

In [7]:
# Create a new model instance from the best fit parameters, fitter='lmfit', method='powell')

# Plot it
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # fitting method   = Powell
    # function evals   = 121
    # data points      = 100
    # variables        = 10
    chi-square         = 414.814389
    reduced chi-square = 4.60904877
    Akaike info crit   = 162.266098
    Bayesian info crit = 188.317800
    t0:   0.77970522 (init = 0.48)
    c0:   3.58492896 (init = 0.997)
    u1:   0.99798367 (init = 0.1)
    per:  10.72149 (fixed)
    u4:   0.99798367 (init = 0.1)
    w:    90 (fixed)
    ecc:  0 (fixed)
    u2:   0.99798367 (init = 0.1)
    inc:  81.8991217 (init = 89.7)
    c1:   2.58842896 (init = 0.0005)
    rp:   0.28762222 (init = 0.22)
    a:    18.1665144 (init = 18.2)
    u3:   0.99798367 (init = 0.1)

In [ ]: